Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Ninja Saga Cheats: Hellfire Damage, Smelly Banana Health Recovery, Critical and Dodge Chance

Working Ninja Saga Cheats using Cheat Engine 6.0 Increase Hellfire Damage by 100%, Increase Critical and Dodge Chance, Smelly Banana Health Recovery Cheat.

Tools to use:

  • Cheat Engine 6.0
  • Web Browser Mozilla or Chrome
  • Skill

Ninja Saga Cheat: Increase Hellfire Damage by 100%

-You must have Hellfire Kinjutsu.

Follow the few steps below:

  1. Go to Ninja Saga
  2. Run Cheat Engine
  3. Choose Your browser, for example: Mozilla ( Plugin - Container.exe )
  4. Change value type to : Double
  5. Type 0.0300000 in HEX box ,then First Scan
  6. Double Click to all address
  7. Then change the value to 10
  8. Do Mission and try to use HellFire

Ninja Saga Cheat: Increase Critical by 100% and Dodge Chance by 100%

Cheat: Increase Critical Chance by 100%

- Required Weapon: Byakko Sword.
Follow the few steps below:
  1. Go to Ninja Saga
  2. Run Cheat Engine
  3. Choose Your browser, for example: Mozilla ( Plugin - Container.exe )
  4. Change value type to : Double
  5. Type 0.0500000 in HEX box ,then First Scan
  6. Double Click to all address
  7. Then change the value to 1

Cheat: Increase Dodge Chance by 100%

- Required Back Item: Straw Hat
Follow the few steps below:
  1. Go to Ninja Saga
  2. Run Cheat Engine
  3. Choose Your browser, for example: Mozilla ( Plugin - Container.exe )
  4. Change value type to : Double
  5. Type 0.0500000 in HEX box ,then First Scan
  6. Double Click to all address
  7. Then change the value to 1

Ninja Saga Cheat: Smelly Banana Health Recovery Cheat

- Required Weapon: Smelly Banana

Follow the few steps below:

  1. Go to Ninja Saga
  2. Run Cheat Engine
  3. Choose Your browser, for example: Mozilla ( Plugin - Container.exe )
  4. Change value type to : Double
  5. Type 0.0200000 in HEX box ,then First Scan
  6. Double Click to all address
  7. Then change the value to 10

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