Minggu, 12 Juni 2016


SCHOOL NAME                               :   ..................................
SUBJECT                                           :  
CLASS/SEMESTER                          : x /INti
COMPETENCE CODE                     : 
TIME ALLOCATION                       :   100 menit                                                                                                                                            

Understanding the meaning in the intrapersonal and transaction conversation in daily life.
·    Able to find main idea based on the audio
·    Able to identify some language function that apear in the audio
·    Able find detail information based on the audio
·      Listening
·      Example: Audio in the form of dialogue or monologue about describing someone

§ Listening
  1. Provide an audio about material today  
  2. Explain and  give instruction to the student
§ Listening
1.      Paying attention about teacher explanation
2.      Hearing the audio and find main idea, detail information, and language function that provided in the audio.

§ Modern
§ Using Audio player and speaker

Theme: Description of peple
Topic: Your family
Media: Audio
Skills : Listening
About the media: The media using audio to deliver the materials. The teacher will provide audio and the students must listen the audio. The teacher asks the student to listen the audio given and find main idea, language function , an detail information that provided in the audio. Teacher plays it twice. After the students listen the audio teacher asks the students to make a summary  about the audio that they had listened.
The aim: the purpose of this media is to make student familiar study english with audio player.
  1. The teacher introduces about the media and how to do this activity.
  2. The teacher explain the learning material using audio.
  3. The teacher provides audio and ask the student to hear first.
  4. The teacher asks students to find main idea of the audio
  5. The teacher asks the student to find language function that provided in the audio.
  6. The teacher asks student to find detail information that provided in the audio
  7. The teacher plays the audio twice
  8. The students follow the teacher’s instruction.
  9. The teacher asks the students to make a summary of the audio they had listened.
  10. The teacher gives the evaluation.
  11. In the end of the activity the teacher gives a feedback and reflection related to this activity.

Method :

      Audio Lingual Method is an method : Is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign languages. It is based on behaviorist theory, which professes that certain traits of living things, and in this case humans, could be trained through a system of reinforcement. The correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative feedback

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