Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016


Name               : Yudi Desopera S
St. Numb         : 2013002100

SCHOOL NAME                                  :   ..................................
SUBJECT                                              :   Vocational Competence
CLASS/SEMESTER                            :
COMPETENCE STANDARD             :   Implementation of welding procedures
COMPETENCE CODE                       : 
TIME ALLOCATION                            :              

1.    Implementation of welding procedures
§  Implementation of welding procedures will do based on standard operation procedure (SOP)
§ Understand about linking-words
§   Use the tools of welding and safety working based on SOP
§  Explain the way to welding an iron
§  Define the linking-words
§ Listening
- Listen to the short video about the welding procedures
- Comprehend the welding procedure and search for the linking-words

§ Speaking
- Share the information about welding procedures in pairs
- Retell the result of the discussion
§ Listening
- Listen to the video in the youtube and search the linking-words that used

§ Speaking
- Make a summary from the video and present it next week

§ Instructional Video

Theme : Automotive
Topic   : Explain the way to welding an iron
Media  : Instructional video.

The instruction of video is aim to explain and guiding the student who will start to learn about iron welding. The students are listens the instructions and explanation about the iron welding. The video will contain of materials to show the way to welding an iron for amateur. The video will shows in front of the class using projector. The students must pay attention to the screen and comprehend to the video. After they finish watch the instructional video, teacher will provide some pictures. In this section the teacher will ask the student to stand up in the front of the class and explain the steps that shown. They have to explain the picture in their own comprehension. The teacher will assess the student effort and punctuation to answer the question. The student who has trying to answer it will get the plus mark from the teacher.

The objective: The objective of the video is to make the student understand the way to welding an iron. Through the video students will able to give the correct explanation related to the pictures.

1.      The teacher introduces the video which will be shown and gives a brief explanation.
2.      The students watch and comprehend the video (they allow to take some notes).
3.      After the students watched the video, they have to explain the pictures that provides.
4.       The students have to explain it based on their understanding. Then the teacher will assess them. The efforts of the students will also give the plus mark for them.
5.       The teacher give feed back for the students related to their participation.

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