Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016


SCHOOL NAME                                  :   ..................................
SUBJECT                                              :   Vocational Competence
CLASS/SEMESTER                            :
COMPETENCE STANDARD             :   Read and understand  the engineering picture
COMPETENCE CODE                       : 
TIME ALLOCATION                            :              

1.    Read and understand the engineering picture
§  Understand the symbols and codes in the picture
§ Make a narrative  text related to the topic
§ Can apply semi fixed expressions
§   Read the symbols and codes in engineering picture
§  Make a c2 narrative text
§  Use connectives
§ Writing
- Make 3 sentence using connectives
- Understand  the  c2 narratives text
§ Writing
- Make a c2 narratives text related to the topic

§ Module
§ Internet

Theme : Automotive
Topic   : Read and understand the engineering picture.
Media  : C2 Narrative.
The C2 narrative is aimed to tell something in peculiar way. The teacher explains the step to write a C2 narrative text easily. The teacher explains about topics, rules, and procedures. Each students must choose 5 words related to the topic that teacher give. The students begin to choses the five words. They have to decide related to the topics. The topics is given by the teacher. After they finish to make C2 narrative. Teacher asks the students to collect the 2 narrative. Then the teacher will assess the student works and creativity in making C2 narrative. 

The objective   : The objective of the C2 narrative is to make the student understand the other way to create narrative text and enhance their ability in writing. Through the C2 narrative student will able to create narrative text related to the topic.

1.      The teacher introduces about the C2 Narrative Text and gives a brief explanation.
2.      The teacher decides the topics.
3.      The student chose five words related to the topic.
4.      The teacher gives time to the students to create their C2 Narrative Text.
5.      Students collect their work after they finish it.
6.      The teacher assess the students work and creativity in making C2 narrative.
7.      The teacher evaluates the students work and give them feedback.


This activity related to Lexical Approach. Lexical Approach focused on multi word lexical unit of “chunks” that are learned and used as single items. Lexicons plays the central role. Words are not presented in isolation, instead it is presented as collocation. It also use connectives like at first, then, next, finally, etc.

Applying and Developing

Flying Car

Once upon a time, there was a smart boy named Forka. He was lived lonely in the downtown. Forka was very smart in modify and enhance an engine. He had a dream to make a flying vehicle.
At first, he worked very hard everyday. Then, he tried to solve every code in the secret book to made his dream came true. But, he found himself in difficult when he can not to connect the symbols in the secret book. However, Forka felt it’s hard, he still tried to solve it.

 Finally, he took a walked to the street to refresh his mind. When he saw some pictures in the walls street he realized the connections between the code and symbol in the secret book. As soon as possible, he back to his garage to finish his work. After a week, he can made his dream came true. Then, he drove his flying car to the sky and brought it through the world.

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