Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016

Listening yoga

Theme: Automotive
Topic: Explaining maintenance process.
Media: Lecturing in the class. (Traditional)
Skills: Listening
About the media: the media is quite traditional the teacher just giving a text book that consist of monologue which has some word that missing. The teacher will give a short lecturing about the maintenance procedure and the student must listen carefully. The missing word can be found the short lecturing monologue.
The aim: the purpose of this media is making the students understand the important of each step of the maintenance procedure. Student also able to explain the procedure based on the module.

  1. The teacher introduces about the media and how to do this activity.
  2. The teacher gives the modules which consist of fill in the blank question to the students.
  3. The students listen carefully to the teacher’s monologue.
  4. The students do the assignment that gave by the teacher.
  5. The students submit their work to the teacher.
  6. In the end of the activity the teacher gives a feedback and reflection related to this activity.

Theme: Automotive
Topic: Explaining maintenance process.
Media: tutorial audio about maintenane procedure. (modern)
Skills: Listening
About the media: The media using an audio device to deliver the materials. The teacher will play the audio and the students must listen carefully to the monologue. The teacher asks the student to take a note of the audio monologue. After the students do the taking note part, teacher distributes the question sheet. Students answer the question sheet based on their note.
The aim: the purpose of this media is to make the students familiar with the words or terms in the maintenance procedure. The taking note skill also make the students concentration in the listening skill increase.

  1. The teacher introduces about the media and how to do this activity.
  2. The teacher plays the audio 3 times.
  3. The students listen carefully to the audio monologue.
  4. The students do the taking note part.
  5. The teacher gives a chance to the students to complete their note.
  6. The teacher turns off the audio and distributes the question sheet.
  7. The students answer the question based on their own note.
  8. The students submit their work.
  9. The teacher gives the evaluation.
  10. In the end of the activity the teacher gives a feedback and reflection related to this activity.

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